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Happy Silly Tuesday
The second of my shots from the rut
A few weeks ago my brother-in-law took us to a place up on the Quantock Hills here in Somerset where he said he regularly sees deer from one of the wild herds that roam the hills. We were lucky enough to see this dominant male chasing after a hind after seeing off other stags. Although it's not the best of images but I was pleased with what I got from the kit lens I was using at the limit of it's focal distance in gloomy weather and poor light.
Please excuse me if I don't get to comment people's images some days but I've had to return to a work life rather than become a pensioner as I had planned due cost of living and the tax man wanting a lump of my pension. I am making an effort to return to AM3 after a bit of an absence, it's really nice to see photo's from all contributors and I will try to comment when I can. If I offer criticism I do so only to help and I do not wish to cause offence. My photography tends to be from my travels, as well as my passion which is wildlife and landscape. I hope you enjoy what you see.
Thanks for your comments I'm really grateful for them and welcome constructive feedback.