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Scotney is set in the Kent countryside and the estate consists of two very distinctive country houses, this is the older of the two built around 1378 by Roger Ashburnham. This castle was selectively ruined by the later owners around 400 years later, who had built a then modern Elizabethan style Victorian house further up the hill and wanted the old castle to become a focal point for the gardens. There are still some rooms in the old house but unfortunately the majority of the building, apart from of some the outer walls have been destroyed.
My weekly monochrome, please let me know what you think good or bad I promise I won't be offended.
Please excuse me if I don't get to comment people's images some days but I've had to return to a work life rather than become a pensioner as I had planned due cost of living and the tax man wanting a lump of my pension. I am making an effort to return to AM3 after a bit of an absence, it's really nice to see photo's from all contributors and I will try to comment when I can. If I offer criticism I do so only to help and I do not wish to cause offence. My photography tends to be from my travels, as well as my passion which is wildlife and landscape. I hope you enjoy what you see.
Thanks for your comments I'm really grateful for them and welcome constructive feedback.
@Devi: Thanks Devi, the interior is as was built in 1378, the only alterations was the destruction of parts of it to make a feature of this building for the Victorian owners
@Curly: I have to admit to trying something a little different with desaturating this, but I think I'm inclined to agree that it needs some more contrast. Thanks for you comments Curly and the suggestion which I will try, if I'm happy with the results I'll re-post after this series is finished.
@CElliottUK: I appreciate your comment prejudices and all, and I have to admit I look at it and it's not right, but I posted it because when I desaturated it there was something about it for me although there were questions I was asking myself about it. What I like about doing this weekly and asking for people's comments I get some valuable critique that I can learn from.
@Ann: Thanks Ann I think re-posting after a play with the contrast is going to be on the cards
@Jeff: It's surprising where the fog gets :-)
@Prem: Sounds interesting Prem, I'll have a look
@Florence: An interesting place Florence I can see what you mean, I suspect the Norman/French ideas of architecture influenced both places